Opening Speeches

I – Why Do You Have To Write an Opening Speech?
An opening speech should last 1 minute. In this minute, you should address very clearly to the audience the position of the country/organization you represent on the issue to be debated.

II – What Are The Different Parts of An Opening Speech?
There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for an opening speech:
- First of all, there is the beginning of the speech. It is customary to address the
chairs and the delegates present by starting your speech, saying something like: “Distinguished Chairs, Fellow Delegates…”
- Then go on to the main body of your speech. The main body of your speech should address the issue on the agenda your Delegation feels most strongly about. Some delegates think that this part of the speech should be funny and entertaining. This is not what the speech is about at all. Keep it diplomatic and concentrate on getting one single message across. It is standard practice to end the speech with a flourish such as: “Thank you, Delegates.”

III – How To Deliver An Opening Speech?
When speaking your committee, you can be easily in awe of the number of people you are facing. You will be nervous. The best way to overcome this is by practicing the delivery of your speech with an audience present. Ask them what they think about your speech and adjust it if you think it needs that. You should open your speech with a strong sentence to gain audience attention. Also, when delivering your speech, you must remember to speak slowly and clearly. Have the speech timed and see that it does not exceed the time allotted to you. If necessary, the chairs will remind you that your time is almost up by saying: ‘Will the Delegate please come to His or Her closing remarks.” Do accordingly when told so.

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